Helping you put the Well back into Well-Being


About Us

Evexia is Greek for “Well-Being” and epitomizes the heart of our business.  We consult with you on nutrition and lifestyle changes that will help you achieve a better life-balance and an improved state of wellness.  Our practice provides science-based complementary and alternative health services. 


What We Do

We believe that you should take responsibility for your own health, but in order to begin this journey, reliable information, guidance, and support are essential.  Our primary focus is to educate you and provide you with the right tools to address your health concerns.  If you don't have  a specific health concern, we also provide education in preventive measures to help maintain your overall state of wellness and sense of vitality.

The human body contains its own powerful healing mechanisms.  In many cases it just needs some help with restoring the right environment for those healing mechanisms to function properly. This can be done with targeted nutritional therapies as well as herbal and aromatherapy support.  Stress management and emotional balance also are pivotal to the success of the above therapies, so we complement those services with offerings such as therapeutic essential oil applications and PSYCH-K® therapy to address the mental and emotional components of health.


About Juli Madacey

I have experienced my own healing journey, which is what motivated my desire to provide the same opportunity to others. 

My 30-year career includes work in a variety of industries and roles, but the area of health and wellness has always been my true passion.

I am certified by Precision Nutrition as a Level 2 Nutrition coach.

I am certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) by the Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy, including qualification as a Certified Clinical Nutritionist Consultant, Certified Clinical Master Herbalist, and Aromatherapist.

I am a Dame of Grace with The Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.

In addition, I am an ordained Minister, Dame, and Sanctified Healer in the Sacred Medical Order of the Church of hope (SMOCH), a Church of special and sacred ministry and a medical religious Order.   

Currently I am working towards a Doctor of Natural Medicine degree at PanAmerican University of Natural Health.

My educational background also includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (Human Resources major) from Oakland University, and a Professional of Human Resources (PHR) certification from the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI).  

I look forward to meeting you!


I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.
— Eleanor Roosevelt