Week 4 - Juli's Top Ten

I was going to name this post "The Perfect Storm" because I had a really rough week.  And no, this isn't me looking for sympathy, this is just me being honest.  Some of our exercises went pretty deep into emotional territory that I haven't unearthed in many, many years, so I was feeling a bit raw most days.  And, we're already a month into this program, so the "honeymoon period" is over.  Boy, is it over.

I lost some momentum this week as many emotions worked their way to the surface, but it was a really good week from the perspective that I'm able to recognize some of the things that have been holding me back.  And of course, start the healing process. One of our lessons was called "Notice and Name." Sometimes we just get into auto-pilot mode with our behaviors and thoughts, which can sometimes be beneficial; other times not so much.  This exercise involved taking the time to notice things that we do or think and then trying to name the various thoughts, feelings, environment, etc. that affected not only what we were doing, but how, and why.  It was rather eye-opening.

Even more eye-opening for me, though, was the lesson about how we view ourselves.  The way we define ourselves, the person we see when we look inside - this is what drives our behaviors.  You see, the brain doesn't like to be wrong, so it will ensure that our actions support the image of who we think we are.  If you see yourself as a healthy, fit person, you will behave in ways that support that image.  If you see yourself as something else, then you will behave and act in ways that support that image.  It's completely up to you. Simple, right?  But that's a lot of pressure.  All of a sudden I can't blame someone else, or my circumstances, or anything else - it's all up to me.  Of course making the transition from one thought pattern to another takes time and practice.  And patience.  *sigh*  There's that word again.

Now that we're at the end of the weekend and I've had a few good days of journalling and delving into my own brain to work through some of this emotional stuff, I'm feeling like Week 5 will be more positive for me.  I also had some decent exercise to help clear the mental cobwebs a bit - an evening of successfully cycling up a hill that I was positive I wouldn't be able to tackle, and an afternoon of challenging hiking around a beautiful rock mountain with some gorgeous scenery to enjoy along the way. When all else fails, some sunshine, fresh air, and deep breathing goes a long way to healing whatever maladies we may be experiencing. So on that note, here is this week's Top Ten:

  1. Repressed emotions can be uncomfortable as they make their way out, but make their way out they must, one way or another.  It's better to choose how that happens than to be surprised when they come out of their own accord.
  2. Having a good cry now and then is very healing.
  3. Journalling helps with healing, and is a positive, healthy, creative outlet.
  4. Eating slowly is still hard.
  5. Regular exercise increases energy.
  6. Talking to yourself in negative terms can keep you from making progress.
  7. Tapping/EFT is a very helpful process for clearing stuck emotions and changing your internal "script."
  8. Being kind to yourself when you're having a bad day can turn the day around.
  9. Having a source of support makes all the difference when you are undertaking some fairly major changes in your life.
  10. Reaching out to your support network and actually asking for help is a smart thing to do, and can help you put things into perspective - especially when emotions don't allow for clarity of mind.

So there it is for this week, folks.  Onward and upward for the next week.  Changing the script, one day at a time.  

Have a health of a day!


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