Do You Mind?!

About a 3-minute read

Have you ever tried going straight from lifting an empty egg carton to squatting 250 pounds overnight? Or planting seeds one day and expecting a full-grown garden the next morning? Sounds absurd, right? Yet, when it comes to cultivating mindfulness, many of us expect instant Zen gardens and mental fitness feats without acknowledging the patience and practice it actually requires.

From Egg Cartons to 250 Pounds: You’re Building Mental Muscles

Think of your mindfulness journey like a fitness regimen. You wouldn’t walk into a gym for the first time and head straight for the heaviest weights. You start small, lift consistently, and gradually increase your capacity over time. Mindfulness is similar. It’s about starting with what feels like the mental equivalent of lifting an egg carton—maybe sitting still for 30 seconds without distraction—and building up to a more substantial practice.

It's not just about the heavy lifting, though. It's about tuning into the subtle feedback, the stretch and pull of your attention muscles, and learning what it feels like to be really and truly present, moment by moment. It's about becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable because, let's face it, sitting with our own thoughts sans Instagram can feel more daunting than any heavyweight challenge.

Cultivating Your Mind's Garden: Plant, Tend, Harvest

Now, picture mindfulness like working in your garden. In early spring, with the ground thawing under your fingertips, you plant seeds with care—seeds of presence, awareness, and compassion. Day by day, you tend to them, watering with intention and weeding out distractions. Some days, it feels like nothing's happening. But with patience, you start to notice new shoots of clarity, blossoms of calm, fruits of well-being.

This garden doesn't grow overnight. It requires regular tending, a gentle touch, and the patience to let things unfold in their own time. Each moment of mindfulness, no matter how brief is a seed that, with care, can grow into a rich, vibrant garden of mental health and peace.

Navigating the Noise: The Challenge of a Distracted World

Our brains are bombarded with information, demands, and entertainment 24/7. Stepping away from this constant feed, even for a minute, can feel unsettling, like stepping into a quiet, unfamiliar room after leaving a loud party. But being present in this quiet space, engaging in this practice of paying 100% attention to even the most mundane tasks, is where the magic happens. It's where we discover richness in simplicity, depth in daily life, and the vibrant texture of our own experiences.

When I first started my meditation and mindfulness practice, I felt like a 2-year-old being told to sit still in church. I was squirmy, uncomfortable, distracted, and if I had been in a live meditation class I’m pretty sure I would have been asked to leave. So I started with shorter meditations - anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes - and over time I learned how to relax and enjoy meditations that were 25 minutes or more.

Now, when I do my morning meditation, it sets the tone for my entire day. I feel much more centred, less distracted, and better able to handle whatever comes my way without getting completely stressed-out or overwhelmed.

Starting Small: The First Step Towards a Mindful Life

Beginning your mindfulness practice can be as simple as dedicating full attention to a daily task like brushing your teeth, feeling the bristles against your gums, the taste of the toothpaste, and the sound of the water swirling down the sink. It's about grounding yourself in the now, amidst a world that's always pushing you towards the next thing.

Research shows the profound impact mindfulness can have on reducing anxiety, boosting mental health, and lowering stress levels—all of which contribute to our overall health. Starting small, embracing the discomfort of quiet, and consistently practising can open doors to a life felt more fully, experienced more deeply, and enjoyed more completely.

So, are you ready to swap the mental noise for a moment of peace? To trade the endless scrolling for a chance to scroll through your own thoughts and feelings? Let's start with something small today. A single, mindful breath. A moment of attention. It's the first step on a journey to a richer, fuller life.

Remember, whether you're in the gym of your mind, lifting the weights of presence, or tending to the garden of your awareness, the beauty is in the process, the growth, and the transformation that comes from showing up, day after day.

Are you ready to cultivate your mindfulness garden and build your mental muscle? Let’s embark on this journey together, one mindful moment at a time. I’m here for you!

Have a health of a day,


Juli MadaceyComment